Sunday, January 22, 2017

Reading Notes: Aesop's Fable's by Jacobs, Part B

The Fox and the Crow:
-have a variety of ways the fox appeals to the crow's ego
-change the cheese to some other kind of food
-moral is to not trust the flattery of others

The Tortoise and the Birds:
-expand on how the tortoise's friends told him not to trust the eagle as a mode of transportation
-the tortoise was too impatient to travel on his own time because he was so slow
-it proved to be his downfall in the end
-impatience and trusting the wrong kind of people

The Ant and the Grasshopper:
-the ant carrying all different kinds of food
-come up with several ways the grasshopper tries to tempt the ant into playing with him and wasting time
-the grasshopper teaches his children to be like the ant and not live foolishly like he has

The Man and the Serpent:
-it was the farmer's only son and heir so now he has no one to take over the farm when he dies
-the cows are his livelihood so when the serpent seeks his revenge by killing them off he has to make amends or his family will starve
-the farmer takes his story to the nearby town and tells how the serpent ruined his life and murdered his son and now everyone is on the hunt to kill every serpent they encounter

The Wind and the Sun:
-for ages they had been debating which one of them is better
-finally they decided to test it out
-the sun was the smarter, trickier one and he knew it so he picked a test that he knew he would win
-kindness effects more than severity
-true strength doesn't have to be harsh

The Old Man and Death:
-expand on how hard the old man's life was and how he had worked from a very young age
-when he has a face to face encounter with death he comes to appreciate his life and is determined to make the most of what he has left
-he finds a young boy in the woods whose parents have just died and who needs a guardian
-they end up helping out each other and becoming close companions
-hope can be found even in the dark places


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