Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables by Jacobs, Part A

The Sick Lion:
-the lion who was once so mighty and strong now the tables have turned because he is weak and dying
-all the animals come to enact their vengeance when he is too helpless to fight back
-maybe expand on how the betrayal of everyone would be even worse than death

Androcles and the Lion:
-always help someone in need
-sometimes your good deeds can come back to you
-maybe expand more on the bond between the lion as "man's best friend" of Androcles

The Lion and the Statue:
-things are always biased by the people who tell the story- story depends on the teller
-people represent things the way that they want them to be
-objective truth is hard to come by

The Four Oxen and the Lion:
-elaborate on the fight the oxen have
-develop the devious nature of the character of the lion and how he foreshadows the oxen's fight to come and taunts them with it

The Fox Without a Tail:
-never trust someone who is telling you to do something because they have a vested interested
-come up with all the ridiculous reasons the fox whose tail got cut off comes up with for the other foxes to cut their tails off too
-the fox without a tail learns that it is okay to be different and that you need to love yourself the way you are

The Wolf and the Crane:
-create a list of different animals the wolf goes to for help to dislodge the bone in his throat
-come up with creative rewards for each different animal that is specific to them
-maybe even change the ending and have the crane throw the bone back in the wolf's throat for vengeance

The Fox and the Cat:
-the fox lists out his many plans and ways of clever escapes
-taunts the cat with how much better he is but in the end he fails because he cannot make a decision
-skill and practice is better than head knowledge

The Horse, The Hunter, and The Stag:
-the horse used the hunter for his own purposes
-the horse is happy for the help but he bucks the hunter off and escapes back to freedom

The Hare with Many Friends:
-the hare learns that have multiple friends doesn't equate to having true friends
-she leaves the town she used to live in to search for true friendship


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