Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 6 Storytelling: The Stone Monkey Who Became King

Far away to the East and high above the clouds there was a range of mountains tucked away from view. These mountains were called the Mountains of Flowers and Fruits because of all the bountiful and lush greenery they had to offer. The legend goes that if you were within 1000 miles of the mountains would you know because the intoxicating aromas of the sweet fruits would draw you in and bid you to come taste of their treasures. The monkeys had been living on these mountains for several thousand years without complaint, but with the recklessness of the past generations supplies had begun to run low. They had not been faithful stewards of the beautiful mountains their ancestors had left in their care. If things continued on without change, the monkeys would be forced to relocate and abandon the place they had always called home.

On the center mountain there was an egg shaped rock that was regarded as sacred, no one knew the beginnings of this stone egg for it had been there as long as anyone could remember. One evening there was a terrible storm. The thunder and lightning raged as the rain beat down for hours on end. All the monkeys were seeking shelter from the storm so no one noticed when the lightning struck the egg. The next day as all the monkeys were coming out to survey the damage from the storm, a little monkey cried out, "Look! The stone egg is alive!" As everyone turned in awe, the egg split open and a baby stone monkey crawled out. Now there was another legend that if the monkeys were ever in peril and needing rescue, that the stone egg would be their savior. The details of the rescue were never mentioned in the legend and these monkeys expected a little bit more than a stone monkey baby to save them from their plight.

However as the stone monkey grew, he exhibited extraordinary skills. No one had ever seen anything as powerful or magnificent. The stone monkey was the most likely choice as it came time to choose another king because the current king was dying. The tradition was for the candidates to compete in some competition that showcased their strength and wit; whoever won would rule the kingdom. The competition this year included some intense obstacle courses and finished (as it did every year) with trying cross behind the waterfall. It was said that treasures of innumerable wealth lay in a cave behind the waterfall, but no monkey had ever been able to reach it.

When the day of the competition came, the stone monkey was the first one to compete. The other competitors knew that with all his strength and might there would most likely be a short ending, with the result being the stone monkey hailed as king. He breezed through the obstacles courses in record time, to him things of this earth are child's play. However when he reached the waterfall, his stone hands were trembling. He thought to himself, "What if I'm not all that these people have hoped that I will be?" He was anxious but he gathered himself and leapt off the cliff. Before he knew it he felt the coolness of the water followed by solid ground underneath his feet, he heard cheers and yells coming from the other side. He had made it!

The stone monkey was crowned king that day, for he had accomplished what no one before him could. He built a bridge so all his subjects could enter the cave and enjoy the blessings within. They praised him as their Savior, for even though they doubted at first, he had delivered his people from their woes and led them into a magical paradise with delicious food that would never run out.

Author's Note:

I used the same idea from the original story, where the stone monkey is born from a egg shaped rock and starts showing great promise and powers. I added in the part about the monkeys having to relocate because of their resources running low, so it gave the stone monkey more of a purpose for finding the cave filled with riches and food. Also in the original story everything in the cave was made of stone, but that wouldn't really do the other monkeys any good so I decided to make it where they found food that everyone could eat and enjoy. Like I said the part about the waterfall and cave was in the original story but I gave it a little twist. I also tried to give a glimpse into the stone monkey's thoughts, that while even though he was the most powerful he still had insecurities.   


The Monkey King by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens


  1. This was a good story. I wish there were more details though like the competition scene, I know it was easy for the monkey but details about how the men lost against him would have been cool. I loved the ending how he was their savior and I like that there’s a small lesson that we can all relate to in the story. They were running low on resources because of the harsh treatment of their land in the past. I thought it was a good idea to have them relocate, it definitely put the story together! Great job!

  2. I enjoyed reading this story, Savannah! It made me laugh when the monkeys were disappointed that what emerged from the rock was a monkey baby- that was probably not at all what they were hoping for! I also liked the sense of urgency you created by explaining that the resources on the island were running low so the monkeys were in danger.
    I am also curious on how the other monkeys competing compared to the stone monkey. It might be an interesting twist to have him go last and explain how all the others before him had failed, making it that much sweeter when he reaches the end. I love that he was able to provide for the other monkeys and put and end to the strain on their island by giving them food and treasures! Overall, I really liked this!

  3. Savannah great story! I actually read The Monkey King and almost wrote a similar type story. I liked how you really explained the background on why the Stone Ape even came because I felt the original story didn’t do a great job of that. I liked how you made the ape second guess himself because in the original he was very arrogant throughout. Overall, great story!

  4. Savannah, I think you did a great job on this story! I think keeping the big aspects from the original story was smart and the changes you came up gave it a nice twist. I think having them find real food verses everything in stone makes sense because that doesn’t make much sense to me to begin with! Great story!

  5. I love this story! Monkeys are adorable and the idea of a little stone monkey running around made me smile. The picture you used by the waterfall is perfect! I like how this story very obviously portrays the message of “don’t judge a book by its cover”, while also showing that even in times of fear, we can persevere if we just put our best effort in.
