Monday, January 30, 2017
Google Timer Tech Tip
I have never used the Google Timer but I think it is a great idea, especially when I am taking a break from online work and just could serve as the kick I need to get back to work. I've learned that if I don't set a certain time for breaks, then my breaks tend to go way longer than they should. I usually have a goal to complete a certain number of assignments then I can reward myself with a break of like a short Netflix show or some rest time just not doing homework. It helps for me if I have everything written out that I have to get done that day, then I tend to just go in order of importance and get the things that are harder and due sooner done first.
Week 3 Storytelling: The Trip of a Lifetime
There once was a woman named Sarah, who was regarded as the mother of the Jews and the most radiant beauty in all the land; she was married to the great Abraham who was known as the father of the Jews. Sarah received word that one of her closest friends was getting married, so they set off to take a trip to Egypt to join in on the festivities. Abraham was hesitant to travel so far but his love for Sarah was so great that he would do anything she asked, also there was the matter of Sarah’s beauty.
Now normally such beauty would be a blessing, but when in a foreign land with a foreign ruler it became more of a curse. Abraham was terrified that the Pharaoh would take one look at Sarah and steal his wife without a second of hesitation. The Pharaoh gets what the Pharaoh wants. He would be powerless to resist the orders of the sovereign, so Abraham knew he had to devise a plan to conceal Sarah until they reached their friend’s house. The first idea was to put Sarah in a giant burlap sack and throw her over one of their donkeys, but that idea did not go over too well with Sarah. She thought it sounded a little too bumpy for her liking. So they finally decided to put Sarah in a giant box and if anyone asked what it was then Abraham would try to pass it off as a wedding present for their friend.
When they arrived in Egypt the officials saw Abraham come through with his giant box, they were of course very intrigued and stopped to question him. He tried to act as though he was in a great hurry to make it to his friend’s wedding and that he did not have time to stop, but the officials could not be so easily thrown off. They would not let him pass without paying the duty for customs and they demanded to know what was inside. Abraham said he would pay the highest duty if they would just let him go, but of course that drove them even crazier with suspicion and they ordered Abraham to open the box. When the officials saw it was Sarah who was inside they all gasped, for she was as radiant as the sun. They knew they had to tell the Pharaoh at once because he would be sure to reward them for bringing him a prize as wonderful as Sarah.
Once they reached the palace the Pharaoh came out to greet them; he embraced Sarah and started barraging her with compliments on her unmatched beauty. Thinking quickly on her feet, Sarah introduced Abraham as her brother to which the Pharaoh was pleasantly surprised. This act saved her husband’s life and even though it enraged him, Abraham was wise enough to comply and hide his anger.
The Pharaoh told Sarah that he wanted to see her that night and sent his maids to help her prepare. Sarah was so afraid but she was also faithful and kept praying to God to keep her and her beloved safe. That night when the Pharaoh entered her chamber, something strange happened. Every time he reached out to touch Sarah, something would prevent him and he would get this unexplainable, excruciating pain. He was a little embarrassed at first because he was so confused as to what was happening, but Sarah knew exactly what was happening. It was her God coming to her deliverance. Despite the warning signs, the Pharaoh was not deterred until suddenly he was repeatedly thrown across the room. Sarah just stood there in awe as she watched her God work.
That episode proved to be enough for the Pharaoh; he wanted nothing to do with Sarah or Abraham. He loaded them up with provisions for their journey and made them promise that they would never return to his palace again. The Pharaoh was too embarrassed to tell anyone else what happened, so he decided to tell everyone that it was all just a big misunderstanding. The Pharaoh told Sarah that she was to say that she was actually Abraham’s wife, not his sister; Sarah just smiled because the Pharaoh thought he was being clever, but really he was just telling everyone the truth. Finally Abraham and Sarah were back on their way and arrived just in time to celebrate their friend’s wedding party.
Now normally such beauty would be a blessing, but when in a foreign land with a foreign ruler it became more of a curse. Abraham was terrified that the Pharaoh would take one look at Sarah and steal his wife without a second of hesitation. The Pharaoh gets what the Pharaoh wants. He would be powerless to resist the orders of the sovereign, so Abraham knew he had to devise a plan to conceal Sarah until they reached their friend’s house. The first idea was to put Sarah in a giant burlap sack and throw her over one of their donkeys, but that idea did not go over too well with Sarah. She thought it sounded a little too bumpy for her liking. So they finally decided to put Sarah in a giant box and if anyone asked what it was then Abraham would try to pass it off as a wedding present for their friend.
When they arrived in Egypt the officials saw Abraham come through with his giant box, they were of course very intrigued and stopped to question him. He tried to act as though he was in a great hurry to make it to his friend’s wedding and that he did not have time to stop, but the officials could not be so easily thrown off. They would not let him pass without paying the duty for customs and they demanded to know what was inside. Abraham said he would pay the highest duty if they would just let him go, but of course that drove them even crazier with suspicion and they ordered Abraham to open the box. When the officials saw it was Sarah who was inside they all gasped, for she was as radiant as the sun. They knew they had to tell the Pharaoh at once because he would be sure to reward them for bringing him a prize as wonderful as Sarah.
Once they reached the palace the Pharaoh came out to greet them; he embraced Sarah and started barraging her with compliments on her unmatched beauty. Thinking quickly on her feet, Sarah introduced Abraham as her brother to which the Pharaoh was pleasantly surprised. This act saved her husband’s life and even though it enraged him, Abraham was wise enough to comply and hide his anger.
The Pharaoh told Sarah that he wanted to see her that night and sent his maids to help her prepare. Sarah was so afraid but she was also faithful and kept praying to God to keep her and her beloved safe. That night when the Pharaoh entered her chamber, something strange happened. Every time he reached out to touch Sarah, something would prevent him and he would get this unexplainable, excruciating pain. He was a little embarrassed at first because he was so confused as to what was happening, but Sarah knew exactly what was happening. It was her God coming to her deliverance. Despite the warning signs, the Pharaoh was not deterred until suddenly he was repeatedly thrown across the room. Sarah just stood there in awe as she watched her God work.
That episode proved to be enough for the Pharaoh; he wanted nothing to do with Sarah or Abraham. He loaded them up with provisions for their journey and made them promise that they would never return to his palace again. The Pharaoh was too embarrassed to tell anyone else what happened, so he decided to tell everyone that it was all just a big misunderstanding. The Pharaoh told Sarah that she was to say that she was actually Abraham’s wife, not his sister; Sarah just smiled because the Pharaoh thought he was being clever, but really he was just telling everyone the truth. Finally Abraham and Sarah were back on their way and arrived just in time to celebrate their friend’s wedding party.
Author's Note:
I kept this story somewhat close to the original, I did however add in the part about the friend's wedding to give them a reason for traveling to Egypt. I cut it down a little bit from the original, but kept the same general premise of God coming to Sarah's aide and rescuing her and Abraham from the Pharaoh. I just mainly the changed the major details of how the story unfolded.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends, Part B
The Sleep of One Hundred Years:
-foreshadow to how Onias would ultimately be the one he was saving the dates and water for
-after sorrow can come joy, even if it is time for others to enjoy it
-Jerusalem remained, but it was not the same one - everything had changed and the things he loved were gone
-give the grandson more of a role, pleads with Onias to stay
King for Three Days:
-obvious parallel between Godfrey and Hitler with their hatred/destruction of the Jews
-as Rashi's prophecies keep coming true, Godfrey's confidence wanes and his closest companions tell him to turn back or he will surely perish
-Godfrey chooses to kill anyone who opposes him and keep going
-ultimately Rashi is right and predicts Godfrey's exact doom
The Higgledy-Piggledy Palace:
-go through all the different ways to sneak Sarah in and finally they come up with putting her in a large box but that ends up drawing the most attention
-Sarah told the Pharaoh that Abraham was her brother to spare his life
-the spirit that attacks Pharaoh - at first he doesn't realize what is happening and is embarrassed in front of Sarah, but then he realizes that she is the reason he is being tormented
-foreshadow to how Onias would ultimately be the one he was saving the dates and water for
-after sorrow can come joy, even if it is time for others to enjoy it
-Jerusalem remained, but it was not the same one - everything had changed and the things he loved were gone
-give the grandson more of a role, pleads with Onias to stay
King for Three Days:
-obvious parallel between Godfrey and Hitler with their hatred/destruction of the Jews
-as Rashi's prophecies keep coming true, Godfrey's confidence wanes and his closest companions tell him to turn back or he will surely perish
-Godfrey chooses to kill anyone who opposes him and keep going
-ultimately Rashi is right and predicts Godfrey's exact doom
The Higgledy-Piggledy Palace:
-go through all the different ways to sneak Sarah in and finally they come up with putting her in a large box but that ends up drawing the most attention
-Sarah told the Pharaoh that Abraham was her brother to spare his life
-the spirit that attacks Pharaoh - at first he doesn't realize what is happening and is embarrassed in front of Sarah, but then he realizes that she is the reason he is being tormented
Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends, Part A
The Giant of the Flood:
-give the unicorn more of a role/voice
-go into more of what happens inside the ark with all the animals
-more detail of the demise of Og and Moses's role in killing him
The Beggar King:
-prideful King who thought he knew everything
-his world was turned upside
-go into more detail about the jobs he took
-take the blind beggars into the palace when he resumes like as King and give them a place within the court
The Water-Babe:
-different variation on Moses's childhood
-they put moses through more than one test to see if he is an "ordinary" child
-pharaoh puts the other magician to death when he tries to cause division amongst his family
Friday, January 27, 2017
Feedback Thoughts
The first article I read about getting feedback was called Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head. I chose this article because it resonated with the perfectionist within me. I tend to be hard on myself and would rather focus on negative feedback so I can make necessary adjustments to improve whatever is wrong, but this article stressed the importance of taking time to look at the positive and embracing your positive aspects that you can bring to whatever situation you are in.
The second article I read about getting feedback had some similar themes of focusing on the positive qualities you possess and the valuable aspects you know you have. I thought it was so interesting in this article, Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it, when it said that the majority of the damage done by rejection is self-inflicted. It talks about how people seem to have a need to over-analyze the criticism given by others and thus causing even more damage.
The second article I read about getting feedback had some similar themes of focusing on the positive qualities you possess and the valuable aspects you know you have. I thought it was so interesting in this article, Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it, when it said that the majority of the damage done by rejection is self-inflicted. It talks about how people seem to have a need to over-analyze the criticism given by others and thus causing even more damage.
The first article I read about giving feedback was Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset. I liked this article because it gave specific ways I can give informative feedback that will encourage and actually help the other person grow as a writer.
The second article I read about giving feedback was 7 Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback. I chose this article because it gave clear and outlined points. I am a pretty black and white kind of person and I like it when things are just laid out in steps like this. It talked about the importance of specificity and giving information that the writer can actually put to use.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Week 2 Storytelling: How Death Gave an Old Man New Life
There once was an old man named Nicholas. Nicholas had been working as a laborer since the ripe old age of 11; his father had died from pneumonia and because he was the oldest and only boy in his family, that meant he was now expected to provide for his mother and three younger sisters. However once he started working, Nicholas never got to stop. Nicholas was not given the privilege to attend school like other children his age, even though he had a love for learning. His mother taught him how to read when he would get home from a hard day’s work. Nicholas would often drift off to sleep while pretending he was in a far off place somewhere else with the characters of his books and free from all the responsibilities of his real life
Nicholas is now approaching his 92nd birthday and still has the books his mother gave him when he was just a boy. All those years of working hard labor jobs have visibly taken its toll on Nicholas’s body, he can barely stand up straight and his eyesight has begun to fail. His mother and sisters have long since been dead and with their passing also went Nicholas’s zest for life. He feels as though he has no one left in this world and often wishes it would all just be over.
One blustery day Nicholas went out to the woods behind his house to gather up some sticks to keep his fire going and his house warm. He was getting to the point where even menial tasks such as gathering sticks was increasing difficult, he thought about the state of his life and felt so hopeless that he threw down the sticks and begged to just be dead. He shouted out to the trees that if Death were out there it would be a perfect time to come swoop him and take him anywhere but here. He was in such a state he didn’t even really know was he was saying; he fell to his knees and wept. Nicholas missed the family that was so dear to him and did not think he could continue on this Earth alone any longer.
All of a sudden the wind started blowing and the trees started violently shaking, and when Nicholas looked up through tear-filled eyes he saw a skeleton-like creature wearing a black robe standing in front of him. The creature reached out his bony hand for Nicholas to go with him, but Nicholas, who was filled with terror and frozen with fear, could not move. He then realized that his was Death and he had come to take him away into the abyss. Nicholas stumbled to his feet and apologized for the inconvenience of making Death travel so far when he surely had such a busy schedule, but that he was in fact not yet ready to die. Death just shook his head and in the blink of an eye was gone.
Nicholas is now approaching his 92nd birthday and still has the books his mother gave him when he was just a boy. All those years of working hard labor jobs have visibly taken its toll on Nicholas’s body, he can barely stand up straight and his eyesight has begun to fail. His mother and sisters have long since been dead and with their passing also went Nicholas’s zest for life. He feels as though he has no one left in this world and often wishes it would all just be over.
One blustery day Nicholas went out to the woods behind his house to gather up some sticks to keep his fire going and his house warm. He was getting to the point where even menial tasks such as gathering sticks was increasing difficult, he thought about the state of his life and felt so hopeless that he threw down the sticks and begged to just be dead. He shouted out to the trees that if Death were out there it would be a perfect time to come swoop him and take him anywhere but here. He was in such a state he didn’t even really know was he was saying; he fell to his knees and wept. Nicholas missed the family that was so dear to him and did not think he could continue on this Earth alone any longer.
Nicholas was in awe of all the events that had just transpired. He heard a branch break in the distance and was afraid that Death had come back for him despite that fact that he was not ready. The noise was in fact made by a young boy named, Abe, who was trotting through the woods and when he saw the old man he stopped to offer to help him pick up sticks. Nicholas gladly accepted the help, for he was now a changed man and had resolved to live what little he had left of his life to the fullest. Abe told Nicholas that he was an orphan whose parents had just died and he was coming through the woods to find work in the nearest town. Nicholas took Abe in and treated him as his own son. He taught Abe to read and shared the books that his mother had given to him as young boy. The two become the closest companions and Nicholas was able to spend his final days in peace because he was once again in the company of someone he loved.
Author's Note:
I took some liberties and added the details about the old man's family, I wanted to give some reasons as to why he was so miserable and wanted Death to come find him apart from the fact that he was old and his body was breaking down. So I took on the heartache angle to give him family members that he missed and wanted to be reunited with. I also wanted to include ages so you can get a sense of just how long he had been working and that his body was literally about to give out on him. In the original fable the old man did not want to die when Death actually comes so I kept that the same, but I added in a lot more that was not present in the original to give it more depth and create a hopefully somewhat interesting story. I wanted to give him a child so he would have someone to care for him and someone he could teach and pass down his love of reading onto. I also wanted it to end happily and I didn't want to him to die sad and alone.
This story is based on the fable The Old Man and Death in Aesop's Fables by Joseph Jacobs
Reading Notes: Aesop's Fable's by Jacobs, Part B
The Fox and the Crow:
-have a variety of ways the fox appeals to the crow's ego
-change the cheese to some other kind of food
-moral is to not trust the flattery of others
The Tortoise and the Birds:
-expand on how the tortoise's friends told him not to trust the eagle as a mode of transportation
-the tortoise was too impatient to travel on his own time because he was so slow
-it proved to be his downfall in the end
-impatience and trusting the wrong kind of people
The Ant and the Grasshopper:
-the ant carrying all different kinds of food
-come up with several ways the grasshopper tries to tempt the ant into playing with him and wasting time
-the grasshopper teaches his children to be like the ant and not live foolishly like he has
The Man and the Serpent:
-it was the farmer's only son and heir so now he has no one to take over the farm when he dies
-the cows are his livelihood so when the serpent seeks his revenge by killing them off he has to make amends or his family will starve
-the farmer takes his story to the nearby town and tells how the serpent ruined his life and murdered his son and now everyone is on the hunt to kill every serpent they encounter
The Wind and the Sun:
-for ages they had been debating which one of them is better
-finally they decided to test it out
-the sun was the smarter, trickier one and he knew it so he picked a test that he knew he would win
-kindness effects more than severity
-true strength doesn't have to be harsh
The Old Man and Death:
-expand on how hard the old man's life was and how he had worked from a very young age
-when he has a face to face encounter with death he comes to appreciate his life and is determined to make the most of what he has left
-he finds a young boy in the woods whose parents have just died and who needs a guardian
-they end up helping out each other and becoming close companions
-hope can be found even in the dark places
-have a variety of ways the fox appeals to the crow's ego
-change the cheese to some other kind of food
-moral is to not trust the flattery of others
The Tortoise and the Birds:
-expand on how the tortoise's friends told him not to trust the eagle as a mode of transportation
-the tortoise was too impatient to travel on his own time because he was so slow
-it proved to be his downfall in the end
-impatience and trusting the wrong kind of people
The Ant and the Grasshopper:
-the ant carrying all different kinds of food
-come up with several ways the grasshopper tries to tempt the ant into playing with him and wasting time
-the grasshopper teaches his children to be like the ant and not live foolishly like he has
-it was the farmer's only son and heir so now he has no one to take over the farm when he dies
-the cows are his livelihood so when the serpent seeks his revenge by killing them off he has to make amends or his family will starve
-the farmer takes his story to the nearby town and tells how the serpent ruined his life and murdered his son and now everyone is on the hunt to kill every serpent they encounter
The Wind and the Sun:
-for ages they had been debating which one of them is better
-finally they decided to test it out
-the sun was the smarter, trickier one and he knew it so he picked a test that he knew he would win
-kindness effects more than severity
-true strength doesn't have to be harsh
The Old Man and Death:
-expand on how hard the old man's life was and how he had worked from a very young age
-when he has a face to face encounter with death he comes to appreciate his life and is determined to make the most of what he has left
-he finds a young boy in the woods whose parents have just died and who needs a guardian
-they end up helping out each other and becoming close companions
-hope can be found even in the dark places
Friday, January 20, 2017
Famous Last Words: surviving the first week of my last semester
I am experiencing a major case of's hitting me hard but I am pushing through anyways. There is definitely a light at the end of my tunnel, unfortunately it involves more school in the form of graduate school to get there. However when I stop long enough to put the pity party on hold, I realize how thankful and fortunate I am to have the opportunity for these experiences and that I get to go through the necessary steps to reach my future goals.
(Ready for me to be the one graduating!)
I have enjoyed the reading for this class so far! It has definitely been a break from my norm of science textbooks. This class is already pushing me to explore my more creative side which I am typically not as comfortable with, but it actually hasn't been that bad...(: I do have a lot of reading in my other classes this semester but with the flexibility of this course we are allowed to pick readings that we enjoy. The freedom to pick what we read makes it much more bearable to do the assignments when my brain is engaged and I'm not dreading sitting down to read something else I am not interested in.
(Be Creative!)
I did enjoy browsing through other people's storybooks. There are some really talented writers who have taken this class! Also the perspectives and the stories they created were so intriguing; it made me want to take more time to develop a unique angle for my storybook so it is not just run of the mill but actually fun for other people to read. I have not been forced to use my creative writing side honestly since AP English in high school, so I am a little rusty but I do enjoy writing. Especially because as a science major this is not something that I ever really get to do, so it is kind of fun to use my brain in this different way. I think this class is stretching me and it is good for me.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables by Jacobs, Part A
The Sick Lion:
-the lion who was once so mighty and strong now the tables have turned because he is weak and dying
-all the animals come to enact their vengeance when he is too helpless to fight back
-maybe expand on how the betrayal of everyone would be even worse than death
Androcles and the Lion:
-always help someone in need
-sometimes your good deeds can come back to you
-maybe expand more on the bond between the lion as "man's best friend" of Androcles
The Lion and the Statue:
-things are always biased by the people who tell the story- story depends on the teller
-people represent things the way that they want them to be
-objective truth is hard to come by
The Four Oxen and the Lion:
-elaborate on the fight the oxen have
-develop the devious nature of the character of the lion and how he foreshadows the oxen's fight to come and taunts them with it
The Fox Without a Tail:
-never trust someone who is telling you to do something because they have a vested interested
-come up with all the ridiculous reasons the fox whose tail got cut off comes up with for the other foxes to cut their tails off too
-the fox without a tail learns that it is okay to be different and that you need to love yourself the way you are
The Wolf and the Crane:
-create a list of different animals the wolf goes to for help to dislodge the bone in his throat
-come up with creative rewards for each different animal that is specific to them
-maybe even change the ending and have the crane throw the bone back in the wolf's throat for vengeance
The Fox and the Cat:
-the fox lists out his many plans and ways of clever escapes
-taunts the cat with how much better he is but in the end he fails because he cannot make a decision
-skill and practice is better than head knowledge
The Horse, The Hunter, and The Stag:
-the horse used the hunter for his own purposes
-the horse is happy for the help but he bucks the hunter off and escapes back to freedom
The Hare with Many Friends:
-the hare learns that have multiple friends doesn't equate to having true friends
-she leaves the town she used to live in to search for true friendship
-the lion who was once so mighty and strong now the tables have turned because he is weak and dying
-all the animals come to enact their vengeance when he is too helpless to fight back
-maybe expand on how the betrayal of everyone would be even worse than death
Androcles and the Lion:
-always help someone in need
-sometimes your good deeds can come back to you
-maybe expand more on the bond between the lion as "man's best friend" of Androcles
The Lion and the Statue:
-things are always biased by the people who tell the story- story depends on the teller
-people represent things the way that they want them to be
-objective truth is hard to come by
The Four Oxen and the Lion:
-elaborate on the fight the oxen have
-develop the devious nature of the character of the lion and how he foreshadows the oxen's fight to come and taunts them with it
The Fox Without a Tail:
-never trust someone who is telling you to do something because they have a vested interested
-come up with all the ridiculous reasons the fox whose tail got cut off comes up with for the other foxes to cut their tails off too
-the fox without a tail learns that it is okay to be different and that you need to love yourself the way you are
The Wolf and the Crane:
-create a list of different animals the wolf goes to for help to dislodge the bone in his throat
-come up with creative rewards for each different animal that is specific to them
-maybe even change the ending and have the crane throw the bone back in the wolf's throat for vengeance
The Fox and the Cat:
-the fox lists out his many plans and ways of clever escapes
-taunts the cat with how much better he is but in the end he fails because he cannot make a decision
-skill and practice is better than head knowledge
The Horse, The Hunter, and The Stag:
-the horse used the hunter for his own purposes
-the horse is happy for the help but he bucks the hunter off and escapes back to freedom
The Hare with Many Friends:
-the hare learns that have multiple friends doesn't equate to having true friends
-she leaves the town she used to live in to search for true friendship
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Growth Mindset
I had never before been exposed to Carol Dweck or her contributions to the Growth Mindset, but I can see how it can be beneficial in fostering a more positive attitude towards oneself and even more positive results. I am a very driven person who has always pushed myself to do the most. The TED Talk she gave really hit home with me because I was and still am the kid who was always concerned about getting good grades and making sure my report card showed all A's. Her idea of "not yet" was almost freeing in a sense because if I didn't get something right the first time I would get frustrated and feel like I had failed, but she said in reality you learn more going through the process. If you were perfect and always got things right the first time, there would be no learning or growing involved. She also discusses how she wants to shift away from defining things that are automatically easy as being good things. Dweck said that we should make ourselves feel comfortable when we are challenged because that is when we are experiencing the process and that is when we will experience the most growth. When I started at OU, I definitely had more of a fixed mindset. I think as I have matured and the classes have become much harder, I have allowed myself more grace and given myself space to learn and room to make some mistakes. I became very ill my sophomore year of college and part of it I think was due to the fact that I was pushing myself so hard in every area of my life. I did not allow time for myself to grow and I did not think it was acceptable to ever fail in anything I attempted. Now as a senior I still have a strong work ethic, but I have learned more boundaries and that I have to take time to care for myself and that is okay. I know I will need to apply a sort of Growth Mindset when I begin PT school. I will be thrown into a new pool of people who are all very intelligent and have the same goals as me, which I can see either as a wonderful opportunity for me to improve my skills or I can let fear dictate and see it only as competition.
Time Strategies
I am in 18 hours at OU including this class, so managing my time well is crucial to my success. I also work at a physical therapy clinic as a technician during the week and volunteer at a local elementary school. I have time to complete all these activities if I allocate my time wisely and choose to do important things over menial things. I read the article The Important Habit of Just Starting and it brought up points that I thought were key to managing time. This article touched at the motivation of why we have a hard time starting a project and the reality that we are actually hurting our future selves when we procrastinate. I relate to this a lot because I can put off something for weeks but when I finally start it, it isn't that bad and I am relieved that I have accomplished the task. Another time strategy I use often is working ahead. Whenever I have spare time I try to get ahead in the classes that I can so I am not so stressed and trying to do everything at once. Constantly keeping up with classes and writing in my planner helps me keep organized and not forget assignments.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Reading Options
After browsing the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook, I have decided to read Aesop's Fables (Jacobs) for Week 2. I really enjoyed the fables I have already read and wrote about in this class so far. I am looking forward to how they incorporate the different animals and the roles those animals take on. I also like how there is always a lesson to be learned at the end of the story.
I was intrigued by the Arabian Nights unit as well. I have heard of the story of Aladdin and I grew up watching the movie, but these stories went much deeper and were much more interesting than the kid's version I was originally exposed to. I am excited to read these at a future point in the semester.
(Sultan from Arabian Nights)
The other unit I browsed was Alice in Wonderland because I have also seen that movie when I was young, but I have never read the book. I started to read it and liked it. I will probably recall the major scenes from the movie, but just the small glimpse I read was already better than the movie.
(The Rabbit. Illustration by Sir John Tenniel)
My Storybook Favorites
I chose three storybooks from past semesters that caught my attention and were enjoyable to read. They were each drastically different from each other, it was interesting to see the various directions this project could be taken.
The first one I chose was Chandler's Storybook called History Mysteries which took on the perspective of an old book as the narrator to expand on different topics in history and offer a creative idea of how certain events in history transpired. I think this one was my favorite because of its unique approach. The introduction gave a nice, informational glimpse of the stories to come while still maintaining the intriguing perspective. I have heard of Stonehenge but the spin this individual took in their story of the genesis of Stonehenge kept me entertained. The other stories were new to me and I enjoyed reading them. I also really liked the layout of this storybook, including the background they chose.
The first one I chose was Chandler's Storybook called History Mysteries which took on the perspective of an old book as the narrator to expand on different topics in history and offer a creative idea of how certain events in history transpired. I think this one was my favorite because of its unique approach. The introduction gave a nice, informational glimpse of the stories to come while still maintaining the intriguing perspective. I have heard of Stonehenge but the spin this individual took in their story of the genesis of Stonehenge kept me entertained. The other stories were new to me and I enjoyed reading them. I also really liked the layout of this storybook, including the background they chose.
The second storybook I chose was The Trouble With Aesop's Animals. I definitely appreciated the humor in this one, it had multiple story lines so it was somewhat challenging to follow at times but I really liked their idea of following up with the characters once the story had ended to see how they were managing in their every day lives. I thought the approach of using Dr. Phil and Jerry Springer to analyze real life people/movie characters who were representing the animals in the fables was not only unique but also entertaining. I have obviously heard of both of these shows but never would I have thought to apply them to anything relating to Aesop's Fables. The introduction summed up their intentions of by giving a brief overview of everyone he planned to discuss. The background featured was the same as the last storybook I chose and I think it is a really good choice.
The third and final storybook I chose was In a World of My Own which took a different approach on Alice in Wonderland and interwove various fairytales together. The introduction really drew me in and left me holding my breathe on a cliffhanger so that I was anxious to keep reading. I like how they added onto old stories we are all familiar with and by making them their own, made them new and exciting again. The design was very well chosen, it fit the story well and had a mystical feel. I liked the black background with white words, this was the first storybook I had seen that had utilized that.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Introduction to a Future Physical Therapist....
My major is Health and Exercise Science with a Pre-Physical Therapy track. I love my major because I get to explore just how fascinating the human body truly is through classes such as anatomy and physiology. When you realize how many moving parts have to work together in the correct sequence for our bodies to function properly it seems like a miracle that anyone survives at all. My motivation to learn about the human body is to be able to help those whose body is in pain and seems to be failing them. I recently found out that I was accepted into the Physical Therapy Program at the University of Central Arkansas so after I graduate this spring from OU, I will be continuing my education in Conway to pursue my doctorate in Physical Therapy this fall.
My dream is to one day to be working as a physical therapist in a location that I love; I hope that I am not too scared to move somewhere new if a good opportunity arises. I have lived in Norman my entire life so moving to Arkansas will be my first taste of growing up and experiencing change on my own without my parents right down the road from me. Ideally I think I would like to live in Colorado because of my love of the mountains, and thankfully with physical therapy I should basically be able to find a job in any area. I am looking forward to just enjoying working hard in graduate school and then seeing where I am in three years when I am finished.
(Work wouldn't be so bad with the mountains in the background like in Boulder)
Now for a slight turn of events another huge part of my life is my dog Jake, he is an angel in the body of a collie. He is the sweetest dog I have ever had, so obviously I will have to bombard you with pictures of him. His favorite thing to do is lounge, preferably with his head on your lap, to go on walks around our lake, and to just be with people.
(Image Information: Personal photo of Jake loving Christmas.)
(Image Information: Personal photo of Jake hating personal space. I am also pictured here.)
(Image Information: Personal photo of Jake catching some rays.)
(Image Information: Personal Photo of Jake teaching my little cousin, Ollie, how to play the guitar)
Friday, January 13, 2017
Week 1 Storytelling: Greedy Gus
There once was a dog whose name was Gus, but much to the dismay of his mother, everyone called him Greedy Gus because he was never content with what he had. Every time he acquired what his little heart currently desired, it only made him happy for a short time. As soon as he saw what someone else had he immediately made it his mission to get it and was not happy until he did. His mother was always warning him that his greed was only going to lead to heartache. She tried to emphasize that he would never find his happiness in things, but he was a stubborn little pup who just wouldn’t listen.
One day his brother came home with a big, nice piece of meat he had gotten at the store. He was so excited that as soon as he got home, he shared it with all of his siblings. Of course as soon as Greedy Gus saw it he decided he needed one all for himself, so he spent a week doing extra chores around the house to save up money to go buy a juicy steak like the one he had been coveting. Greedy Gus bragged to his brother the entire week about how he was going to get an even bigger piece of meat and how he was going to keep it all to himself.
Finally the day had come when he had saved enough money. He set off to the store with a skip in his step, ready to claim his prize. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, he picked out the best piece of meat and was on his way back home to show it off. He was feeling so happy that he decided he would go through the park on his way home. He cut across the field and over to a bubbling brook, the only way to cross over was by a wooden plank someone had lain across it. As he was sauntering across he looked down and saw a pup with a huge piece of meat in his mouth, he thought to himself that coming home with two pieces of meat sounded like a much better idea than just coming home with the one measly piece he had. So with great fury Greedy Gus reached down into the water to snatch the other dog’s piece of meat and when he did his own fell from his mouth and was swiftly carried away by the water.
Suddenly Greedy Gus realized with great horror what he had done, he had lost the prize he had worked for because of his greed. He whimpered home with his tail between his legs and had to tell his family what happened. He finally understood what his mother had been telling him all these years because his greed did ultimately lead to heartache. He should have appreciated what he had instead of constantly searching for more.
Author's Note:
In the original fable there is a dog who has a piece of meat, he crosses over a brook on his way home to eat it and upon seeing his reflection thinks there is another dog holding a piece of meat. The dog tries to steal the meat from his reflection and ends up losing the only piece of meat he has. I kept the same basic principles as in the original story but I decided to expand more on the greediness of the dog and explore his personality a little bit. I also added in the part about his mother to show that his actions affected not only him but those who love him as well.
This story is based on the fable "The Dog and the Shadow" in Aesop's Fables.
Colorado...home to all my favorite places
I have grown up going to Colorado every summer with my family ever since I can remember. We would hike and stay in cabins hidden away in the mountains.
(Image Information: Personal photo of my sister, Caitlin, and I at Maroon Bells in Aspen in 2014.)
I have the best memories of waking of early to go hike and explore different trails. I loved being immersed in the glorious nature. I hate mornings, but somehow in the mountains they didn't seem so bad.
Hanging Lake
Source: Glenwood Springs
I always felt so blessed to be able to spend time with my family in places that were so majestically beautiful. I think I would like to move to Colorado after I finish graduate school so I could enjoy its beauty every day, not just a couple weeks out of the year.
(Image Information: Personal photo of myself taken on Mount Evans in 2015.)
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Comment Wall
kick your feet up and stay awhile.
check out my storybook --> Daada's Adventure's
--> here is my new intro for my storybook
kick your feet up and stay awhile.
these stories are best enjoyed around a campfire
check out my storybook --> Daada's Adventure's
--> here is my new intro for my storybook
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