Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

This class just by itself is outside of my comfort zone. I a science major so I am not used to writing stories and I am also not used to having everyone being able to see my writing! However, I think it has been good for me to be pushed to keep reading and writing every week and to have to utilize my creative side a bit. I am not very confident in my writing in this class, mostly because I feel like the other people's work I read is so much better! But each week I keep going and try to improve. At the first of the semester I was able to stay ahead in this class, but being in 18 hours and working my life has gotten pretty busy. I have found myself completing the assignments the day they are due these past couple of weeks. Typically I am a perfectionist, but in this class I let myself relax a little bit because it is not really possible to write something perfectly. I have to just start writing and then edit after I receive feedback! At first receiving feedback was intimidating and I felt like my writing wasn't good enough, but I have learned to just see it as something that is there to help me improve. It isn't like my writing is "wrong," necessarily it's just that it is not the very best it could be yet. This class has pushed me and I have learned a lot so far!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really awesome that you decided to take this course even though you are completely confident in your creative writing abilities! The stories I have read of yours have been great, and I have really enjoyed reading them!
    I really struggled with the comments and criticism as well! It's really great that you have learned to embrace it as constructive and helpful rather than offensive and rude! Good luck with the rest of the semester! I hope you got a chance to catch up over spring break!
