Monday, April 3, 2017

Reading Notes: Beowulf Unit, Part A

King Hygelac of Geatsland:
-The Geats had war in their blood
-the majority of every year was spent fighting with the surrounding tribes
-when they weren't fighting other tribes the warriors would go out and seek monsters to kill
-the king only chose warriors to be by his side that had proven themselves in battle 
-when they took a break from fighting they would feast together in the large hall and tell stories of how they had conquered their foes in battle
-the younger men would listen and long to be brave like these warriors one day

The Young Beowulf:
-Beowulf was the king's nephew
-he showed such promise, that he went to live with the king and be trained as a warrior
-Beowulf missed his parents and his friends at home
-he never really adjusted to the kingdom or made friends
-he was much stronger than everyone his age and people did not know how to react to him
-they held a feast for Beowulf when he came of age
-but nothing made Beowulf happy
-he still wasn't accepted and he felt like he strength was wasted because he had nothing to use it for
-a wise old magician foretold that he would do great things, but Beowulf did not believe him

Beowulf's Resolve:
-the wanderer who came and sang about the monster Grendel who was wreaking havoc caught Beowulf's attention
-he finally found something that would be a challenge and he could save the lives of so many people
-the queen approved of his mission when no one else did
-but with her approval everyone else came around
-Beowulf was to prove himself a hero or not return to the land of the Geats


The Story of Beowulf by Strafford Riggs

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